Dear Colleagues,


It is a great honor and privilege to invite everyone to participate in the annual scientific meeting
in Kraków - 13th International Conference „Complex treatment of plasma cell dyscrasias in 2025” that will be on September 5-6, 2025. This meeting will be organized by the Center of Plasma Cell Dyscrasias Department of Haematology Jagiellonian University, Myeloma Treatment Foundation Centre and Cracow Branch of the Polish Society of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine.


Actually invitation to old capital of Poland has been accepted by outstanding specialists from the United States of America, India, Greece, Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland.
I am delighted to host such widely recognized experts in Kraków, the location of the oldest hematological center in Poland. It was here, exactly 75 years ago, that Polish hematology was born and where its founder Professor Tadeusz Tempka worked.

In addition to the science I hope that all guests will have an opportunity to enjoy the beauty
of spectacular city of Kraków – place in the world UNESCO list. Krakow has many tourist attractions, to mention the Wawel Castle, the Jagiellonian University Museum and the Wieliczka Salt Mine.

I hope that this meeting will contribute to the development of modern treatment of plasma cell dyscrasias in Poland.





Professor Artur Jurczyszyn MD, PhD
Chair of the Plasma Cell Dyscrasias Center Department of Hematology
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Medicine, Kraków, Poland




















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